Students & Volunteer

The Mission of the Student & Volunteer Network is to organize a group of leaders who will initiate change within their communities by increasing the number of committed marrow donors through education, community service and compassion.

Our network has helped us to make serious inroads into numerous educational institutions with a large segment of minority students. As future leaders of our community, the network has helped increase the number of committed donors by holding drives at many colleges and universities including: Boston University, Harvard, Middlesex , New Jersey College, Princeton , Rutgers , New York University, Wesleyan University , University of Connecticut, many of the SUNY’s and others fine educational establishments. This does include the many corporations and religious organizations we now partner with.

In order to continue in our mission, we are always looking for new, dedicated volunteers with bright ideas, tons of passion and new connections. Please fill out the form below to join the Student Network.

Step 1 of 2

Your Personal Information

Your Name(Required)
When is the best time for us to reach you via telephone?


All healthy individuals 18 – 55 yrs will be registered and listed up to 61 years of age to save a life of blood cancer / disorder patient.


Financial donations allow SAMAR to maintain the same level of recruitment numbers without having to curtail our efforts due to financial constraints.